To contact the Maui Nurses Scholarship Foundation, please mail a letter to the address below, email us, or fill out our contact form. We will respond to your message as soon as possible.

Maui Nurses Scholarhsip Foundation
310 W. Kaahumanu Avenue
Kahului, HI 96732

Contact Maui Nurses Scholarship Foundation

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Board of Directors

Christopher K. Taleghani, MD, MBA

Anne Scharnhorst, DNP, RN, CNE

Sarah B Lane, BSN, RN

Sandy Sato

Tiare Agdeppa, APRN, BSN, MBA
Patricia Codorniz, BSN, RN
Ron Gess, President/CEO PWC Hawaii Corp
Steven Farmer, DO
Roger Agdeppa
Nancy Johnson, MSN, APRN
Rosemary Perreira, MSN, RN
Konstantina Rose, MSN, APRN-Rx
Adele Rugg
Jeff Scharnhorst, MDiv, RN

Maui Nurses Scholarship Foundation Ball Drop Event
Maui Nurses Scholarship Foundation
Maui Nurses Scholarship Foundation Graduates
Maui Nurses Scholarship Foundation | Nurses in Class